That's an awesome glow effect on the dragon, and great color scheme, too. The "chopped" look of its face made me wonder, but then I realized it's a mustache. Great highlighting on Lively, too.
That's an awesome glow effect on the dragon, and great color scheme, too. The "chopped" look of its face made me wonder, but then I realized it's a mustache. Great highlighting on Lively, too.
Thanx. *hugs*
Yeah, I spent so much time, like hours upon hours for years to study for being a real traditional animator.
But, then I gave little concern for composition for years. o, even tho' my skills at drawing things in foreshortened, or perspective motion or movement, it didn't work well for composition.
Something they point out quite often in those "how to draw comics" instructional books.
So, I've been working on composition.
Look for me in the January 2010 issue of Heavy Metal magazine.
Age 51, Male
Graphic/Web designer
Joined on 9/30/09